After a maturing period of at least eight months alongside the culatelli in the ancient cellars, this coppa (neck of pork), when sliced, shows areas of lean meat as well as veins of rosy fat and is soft and sweet with its marvellously characteristic scent imparted by the use of salt, crushed pepper, garlic and wine with no chemical additives.

The maturing process takes place in the cellars dating from 1320 in the Antica Corte Pallavicina.

  • The cut is obtained only from heavy pigs of between 180 and 230 kg
  • Ingredients: pork meat, salt, pepper, Fortana wine, garlic
  • Maturing: minimum 8 months
  • Weight: between 2 and 3,5 kg
  • Sales: whole tied up with cord, vacuum packed either whole or halved.