Back in the days when only traditional breeds of pig were used, salumi were made using only meat, salt, garlic, wine and little else. With the introduction of white pig breeds, with a lot more meat and precocious growth rates, it was obvious that the meat was much lighter in colour.

To counteract this, recourse was made to the use of nitrates in order to obtain the same colouring as when using meat from the traditional breeds.

The Spigaroli family, however, never compromised in this way and we continued to make salumi without nitrates selecting the best animals which allowed us to obtain the same colour as from black pigs through careful maturing of the product.

  • Only from heavy pigs of between 180 and 230 kg
  • Ingredients: pork meat, salt, pepper, Fortana wine, garlic
  • Maturing: minimum 2 months
  • Weight: 400/700gm
  • Sales: whole