Selezione “Presidio Slow Food”

Once the haunch of pork has been divided and the culatello removed, what is left is the ‘fiocco’. After opportune trimming and preparation the procedure continues exactly as for a culatello, but as the cut is much leaner the maturing process is shorter and, in fact, the piece is ready after 10 months.

The maturing process takes place in the ancient cellars dating from 1320 of the Antica Corta Pallavicina.

The product is prepared rigorously without nitrates, sugar, flour or any kind of additive or stabilizing agent.Solo da maiali pesanti dai 180 ai 230 kg

  • Only heavy pigs weighing in at between 180 and 230kg
  • Ingredients: pork meat, salt pepper, Fortana wine, garlic
  • Maturing: between 18 and 30 months (2 summer fermentations)
  • Weight: between 3,8 and 5 kg
  • Sales: either whole or halved, vacuum packed