This is the first salame of the season and is made using meat from the haunch of pork and the trimmings of very lean meat from the preparation of the culatelli. It is finely minced, more than for ordinary salame and is flavoured with the typical seasoning of the lowland tradition.

To accelerate as much as possible the maturing process the mixture is placed inside very fine small re-constituted gut called in local dialect “filsola” or small ribbon and it is ready to cut at between 15-20 days from preparation. As tasty as any larger salame it makes the mouth water like all first fruits do.

It is produced without sugar, flour or any other additive or stabilizing agent.

  • Produced from heavy pigs of between 180 and 230 kg
  • Ingredients: pork meat, salt, pepper, Fortana wine, garlic.
  • Maturing: 15/20 days
  • Weight: 300/400gms
  • Sales: whole wrapped in straw paper