The Fortana IGT (indication of geographical typicity) is obtained from autochthonous vines which have been present throughout the Parma lowlands since 1400. In a treatise of 1500 Agostino Gallo describes the productive characteristics compatible with the culinary art of the area.

Again in 1600 Tanara writes about Fortana wine which is cited as the Queen “of black grapes to make good wine, healthy, long lasting and generous”. Since time immemorial this has been the excellent wine of this triangle of land between the river Po, and the Taro and Ongina torrents.

The famous people from this area loved this wine: Giuseppe Verdi drank it with Culatello and Spalla Cotta, Giovannino Guareschi mentioned it in his celebrated tales of “The Little World” describing its qualities when matched to the traditional local cuisine. It is a ruby red frothy wine with a fruity bouquet with hints of raspberries and a faintly sweet taste but only 6° of alcohol.

In the 1990’s this vine was in danger of extinction but now, instead, the Fortana del Taro is highly appreciated served chilled with our salumi. The colour is an enticing violet red. To the nose the bouquet is intensely winey with notes of violets and blackberry and myrtle jam.