It was a great idea! A “strolgata”! Strolghino is a top quality salume obtained during the preparation of the culatello… the ‘crumbs’, that is the trimmings to produce the best!

With the grape must of between 10 and 12 selected rows of our vines we produce an ethereal, extremely fine wine. Soft pressed to avoid taking colour from the grape skins as though the grapes had been trodden by feet as in former times.

Bottled and riddled according to the rules laid down by the Abbe Dom Perignon: the art, the wisdom and knowledge as well as the classic method process, all applied to a cuveè of Fortana and Fortanina grapes. Eighteen months of rest sur lies, then the degorgement and then it is ready for its entry into society… and places the lowlands side by side with the important areas of spumante.

A classy wine for great occasions. A pale straw colour with brush strokes of pink and a fine yet persistent perlage. To the nose it is fragrant, mineral with decided notes of citrus fruit. A tasting confirms the delicacy yet excellent balance of the wine.