In former times when the pork meat was used entirely for making salame, the “gentile” was reserved as a gift to be given to the Marquis Pallavicino by his feudal subjects as it was considered a suitable homage to the Lord.

If we say that Culatello is the king of cold cuts, then the “gentile” is the Prince of salame! This investiture of nobility comes from the gut into which the minced meat is stuffed; identical to that used for other salami.

The “gentile” is inserted in 2 layers with a slight covering of fat between them which maintains the softness of the finished product.

  • Only from heavy pigs of between 180 and 230 kg
  • Ingredients: pork meat, salt, pepper, nitrates, Fortana wine, garlic
  • Maturing: between 70 days and 4 months
  • Weight: between 700 gm and 1,2 kg
  • Sales: whole