This is taken from the anterior of the pig. After salting it is sewn up and compressed between two wooden boards tied up at the end: this allows the meat to stay compacted within the boards.

It is then left to rest for 12 hours in cold water and cooked slowly in plenty of water for about 3 hours. It is excellent eaten with the traditional ‘mostarda’, a fruit compote cooked with liquid mustard.

At the beginning of the last century the local socialists who were anticlerical to their marrow swore loudly that the only ‘prete’ (priest) they would ever get on with was one which had been cooked in boiling water…!

  • Only from heavy white pigs between 180 and 230 kg
  • Ingredients: pork rind, nerves and shanks, sea salt, pepper, potassium nitrate, Fortana wine, garlic, flavourings
  • Maturing: 15 days
  • Weight: from 1 to 2 kg
  • Sales: whole piece